Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer '09, here we come!!

Ahhh, today was incredible! I went to Oakbrook mall with Paux instead of studying. :) I got this cute bright green plaid shirt for Friday, aka K-Day. (Hopefully.) I'm actually not sure if Kevin will be there, so I should probably stop getting excited.
Anyway, I also got some flats (which were on sale for $9!!) and a pair of heart-shaped sunnies. Overall a successful day.We had a light dinner & enjoyed some people watching. In addition, we learned that Missy Bear is a skanky ass bitch. Don't ask.

When we got home we saw some friends, so we played volleyball in the streets. I ran through the sprinklers on Nichole's yard a couple times, and we had a bonfire. It's finally almost summer!!! yesssss <3

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Muvico... one of the most fabu places ever.
I saw "Drag Me To Hell" last night with Nichole, Alexa (aka Paux) and her boyfriend Sam. The movie was sooo scary, but surprisingly had its humorous moments.
Tomorrow is Mark's baseball game, joy of joys. Not. So I'll be doing that and studying for finals, which I have next week.
The school year is almost over!! :)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Round here...

We always stand up straight.
Ladida, I haven't posted a good picture (or two) in forever. I've been doing a ton of vlogging for my Youtube page, so...
Anyway, I went to Target yesterday and
finally got yellow eyeshadow. It looked sooo good today. :) Anyway, I saw Sean today after school, my cutie patootie ;D That kid is amazing, I swear to God.
PS- only one week of school left!!

(Shirt- Aeropostale, necklace- Betsey Johnson)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Well, I am going to start out by saying my head hurts like a motherfucker.
But that's OK!! :D Because my high school just had its annual Pops Concert, which was fabu.
In addition, I'm done with my English and my Global Studies paper.
But I have finals next week, and there are 3 tests I realllllyyyyy need to study for.
Well, it's only like 10 but I'm heading off to bed.
Love ya'll.

PS- Tiana, I ADORE your Hillary Clinton hairdo ;)

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Oh goodness...
I have just returned from Germantown, where my 13-year-old brother Mark had a baseball tournament. ( They won! )
It was actually sort of fun and cute. I'll post a link to some pictures soon..possibly.
The boys creeped me out a bit, though. Always asking Mark what my name was, saying "hi" to me...
Well, I have to go pee and finish unpacking. See ya'll soon!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Does your husband know the way that the sunshine gleams from your wedding band?

Today was AMAZING!
Short shorts ftw- and would you like to know why? Because my legs/tush looks fabu in them, which caused a certain very attractive boy with a very attractive lip piercing to check me out like there was no tomorrow.

Sweatshirt- from the May 9 FOB concert, yellow shorts- BP

Monday, May 18, 2009

Look for the bare necessities / The simple bare necessities / Forget about your worries and your strife /

OK, so I adored my outfit today. Normally i'm pretty self-deprecating, but even I will admit I looked cute. If you're wondering why my head is cut off, it is because I've been wearing my hair curly for a week now and I despise it.
On the other foot, I presented my Bio powerpoint today. I did well...I think. haha
Only 2 weeks of school until finals!
Ta ta! xxxxx

(Necklaces- Forever 21, jeans & shirt- BP)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

my two latest obsessions...

...are freckles and leather jackets. Today I had both.
Went to the movies with Alexa and her boyfriend and some of his friends. That was...interesting, to say the least.
I drew my freckles on with Clinique eyeliner in Roast Coffee. Yum-o!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My 15th..

Let's keep it simple:
Woke up.
Went to Anime Convention.
Went home.
Met FOB.
Went to FOB concert.
Opened presents a day late because I was so busy on my actual birthday, which was literally the best day of my life. <3

Friday, May 8, 2009

It's almost here!

Yes, my birthday is almost here....and you know what that means?
Anime convention and Fall Out Boy concert tomorrow!! <3

Byyyeeee now~

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's a terrible thing to know what you want and to know you can't have it.

God, I haven't posted anything in forever!! Not even an outfit.... (altho my outfits have been kinda boring lately anyway.)
Life has been busy but good. I took a Bio test today, sooo easy. And I got to see a boy today that I had really liked a lot for a long time. OOoohhh, he is just the cutest. <3
Anyway, only about 3 and a half days until my birthday. I am so excited for the concert and the convention. is almost over! Things are started to look a bit more positive.
And now, a picture, just because I want to, and there was a pretty flower.

Fact: it was a real flower, and it tasted surprisingly sweet..